Ibrahimbegovic Adnan

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Adnan Ibrahimbegovic

First and last name:
Mr. Adnan IBRAHIMBEGOVIC Professor Classe Exceptionnelle,
Mechanics Chair UTC, Senior Member IUF, ANUBiH Fellow and Member of Academia Europaea.

Researcher ORCID identifier 0000-0002-6502-0198 http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6502-0198

    Affiliations / positions: 
    University of Technology Compiegne / Chair for Computational Mechanics UTC

Centre de Recherches Royallieu,
Laboratory Roberval Mecanique
60200 Compiegne, France

Office: H334
Fax: +33(0)
Phone: +33(0)
Mobile: +33(0)6 07 94 97 80
E-mail: adnan.ibrahimbegovic@utc.fr