PhD Students, Habilitations and MSc Students
My former collaborators, total: 63, including 48 doctoral theses, 12 post-docs and 3 habilitations, are presently at elite engineering schools in Paris (Ecole Centrale Paris, Ecole des Ponts Paris, ESTP, CNAM), institutes of technology (MIT-Boston, PEER/UC-Berkeley, ZHAW -Zurich University of Applied Sciences, TU Braunschweig, UTC-Compiègne, INSA-Toulouse), French universities (University Paris X, University Lille 1, University de Nantes) and large industry groups, (AREVA, EDF, Lafarge, Renault) ;
Among my former students there are professors in 12 different countries: France, Mexico, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Vietnam, Algeria, Bosnia, Croatia, Hungary, Turkey, Netherlands, Spain.
Co-supervisor to:
Current doctoral students:
- M.S. Sarfaraz, ‘Stochastic non-local material models of irreversible behaviour’ Int. Res. Train Group DFG-Graduiertenkollegs IGK 1627, (thesis co-supervised with Prof. H. Matthies, TU Braunschweig, Germany)
- S. Ljukovac, ‘New Wind-Turbine Technology in Domain of Renewable Energy’, thesis co-supervised with M. Cohodar
- H. Rana, ‘New multiscale models for fatigue failure of composite structures under variable transient loading’, co-supervised with N. Limnios
- G. Canario Gomes, ‘Dynamics of new shell models for flexible wind-turbine blades’, thesis co-supervised with P. Pimenta
Current post-doctoral researchers:
- M. Lucci Sanchez, ‘New shell models for flexible wind-turbine blades’, thesis co-supervised with P. Pimenta
Completed collaborations
Former doctoral students:
- M. Al Mikdad, doctoral thesis on ‘Static and dynamic analysis of frame structures in large rotations and nonlinear instability problems’ (thesis defended on April 24, 1998 at UTC) [currently research engineer at software company SAMTECH, France]
- F. Gharzeddine, doctoral thesis on ‘Formulation and numerical implementation of large deformation plasticity’, (thesis defended on May 31, 1999 at UTC) [currently research engineer at RENAULT, France]
- P. Courtois, doctoral thesis on ‘Modeling of shell structures in large rotations’ (thesis defended on December 20, 1999 at UTC) [currently lecturer at Univ. Nice]
- S. Mamouri, doctoral thesis on ‘Nonlinear dynamics of structures and multibody systems’ (thesis defended on January 31, 2000 at UTC) [currently Professor and Rector of Univ. Bechar, Algeria & research engineer employed by software company, Altair, USA/France]
- L. Chorfi, doctoral thesis on ‘Thermomechanical coupling and localization problems at large viscoplastic deformations’ (thesis defended on May 29, 2000 at UTC) [currently research engineer at Micropole-Univers, Paris, France]
- O. Bayard, doctoral thesis on ‘Multiscale modeling of fibre reinforced concrete composites’ (thesis defended on January 16, 2003 at ENS) [currently research engineer at Lafarge, France]
- G. Casaux, doctoral thesis on ‘3D effects in earthquake engineering for RC structures’ (thesis defended on November 12, 2003 at ENS) [currently lecturer at INSA-Toulouse, France]
- D. Brancherie, doctoral thesis on ‘Continuum and discrete models for localized fracture of ductile and brittle materials’. (thesis defended on December 17, 2003 at ENS) [currently Professor at UTC Compiègne, France]
- J.B. Colliat, doctoral thesis on ‘Thermodynamics coupling and fire resistance of brittle structures’ (thesis defended on December 19, 2003 at ENS) [currently Professor at University Lille 1, France]
- D. Markovic, doctoral thesis on ‘Multiscale analysis of inelastic nonlinear behavior of heterogeneous structures’ (thesis defended on June 11, 2004 at ENS) [currently research engineer at EDF, SEPTEN Lyon, France]
- N. Dominguez, doctoral thesis on ‘Theoretical and numerical studies of bond-slip phenomena, (thesis defended on July 1, 2005 at ENS) [currently Dean for Research ESIA and Professor at IPN – Polytechnic National Institute, Mexico City, Mexico]
- G. Hervé, doctoral thesis on ‘Choc resistance analysis and design of RC structures’, (thesis defended on October 28, 2005 at ENS) [currently research engineer at EDF/ professeur ESTP, Paris, France]
- S. Dolarevic, doctoral thesis on ‘Soil mechanics CAP plasticity model and soil-structure interaction’, (thesis defended on December 21, 2005) [currently Dean of Civil Eng. and Professor employed at University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina]
- S. Melnyk, doctoral thesis on ‘Multiscale modeling approach and optimal design of engineering materials with inelastic behavior’ (thesis defended on November 2, 2007) [currently research engineer at group GSE, Avignon, France]
- A. Kucerova, doctoral thesis on ‘Inverse problems and mechanics parameter identification from structural testing’, (thesis defended on November 27, 2007) [currently Professor at University of Prague, Checz Republic]
- M. Hautefeuille, doctoral thesis on ‘A numerical modeling strategy for heterogeneous materials: multiscale and component-based approach’, (thesis defended on April 3, 2009) [currently research engineer at Bloomberg LP, New York, USA]
- A. Boulkertous, doctoral thesis on ‘Fire resistance models of massive structures capable of crack spacing computations’, (thesis defended on July 3, 2009) [currently expert employed at AREVA, France]
- C. Kassiotis, doctoral thesis on ‘Nonlinear fluid-structure interaction with instability phenomena concerning slender structures’, (thesis defended on November 20, 2009) [currently research engineer (Corps des Ponts) Director of ASN Nuclear Power Plant Safety Dept. / lecturer Ecole des Ponts Paris Tech, France]
- P. Jehel, doctoral thesis on ‘Modeling and identification of damping phenomena for frame-like structures’, (thesis defended on December 10, 2009) [currently lecturer at Ecole Centrale Paris, France]
- B.H. Pham, doctoral thesis on ‘Novel design methods for high-raise structures in statics and dynamics’, (thesis defended on December 15, 2009) [currently Professor at Hanoi Architecture University and Secretary of Minister of Construction, Vietnam]
- J. Dujc, doctoral thesis on ‘Modeling and computation of ultimate limit load for complex plate and shell structures’, (thesis defended on May 6, 2010) [currently Research Engineer at Zurich University of Applied Science, Winterthur, Switzerland]
- N. Benkemoun, doctoral thesis on ‘Enhanced models for cracking phenomena in concrete and double porosity based permeability test computations’, (thesis defended on December 10, 2010) [currently Lecturer at University of Nantes, France]
- U. Bohinc, doctoral thesis on ‘Structural mechanics, model adaptivity and error estimates’, (thesis defended on May 5, 2011) [currently research engineer, National Institute for Civil Engineering ZAG, Slovenia]
- N. Friedman, doctoral thesis on ‘Investigation of highly flexible deployable structures: review, identification, control, application’, (thesis defended on December 9, 2011) [currently Lecturer at University of Budapest, Hungary]
- C. Barthes, ‘Numerical multi-scale models for seismic behavior of reinforced-concrete structures and damage identification’, (thesis defended on May 15, 2012) [currently research engineer at Earthquake Eng. Research Center, Richmond, University of California, Berkeley, USA]
- B. Rosic, ‘Variational formulation and functional approximation algorithms in stochastic plasticity of materials’, (thesis defended on November 16, 2012) [currently Professor at Univ. Twente, Netherlands]
- B. Ayhan, ‘Damage assessment of civil engineering structures under extreme dynamic loading’, (thesis defended on March 7, 2013) [currently Professor at Technical Univ. Istanbul, Turkey]
- V.M. Ngo, ‘Localized Failure for Coupled Thermo-Mechanics Problems: Applications to Steel, Concrete and Reinforced Concrete’, (thesis defended on December 6, 2013) [currently Professor at Univ. of Com. and Transport, Hanoi,Vietnam]
- E. Marenic, ‘Atomistic-to-continuum modeling in solid mechanics’, (thesis defended on December 11, 2013) [currently lecturer at INSA Toulouse, France]
- M. Jukic, ‘Finite elements for modeling of localized failures in reinforced concrete’, (thesis defended on December 13, 2013) [currently research engineering at Institut for Structures, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
- M. Nikolic, ‘Rock mechanics, failure phenomena with pre-existing cracks and internal fluid-flow through cracks’, (thesis defended on September 28, 2015) [currently Professor at Univ. Split, Croatia]
- X.N. Do, ‘Localized failure in dynamics for brittle and ductile materials’, (thesis defended on May 24, 2017) [currently post-doc at Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France]
- I. Imamovic, ‘Ultimate load limit analysis of steel frames accounting for nonlinear behavior of connections’, (thesis defended on September 22, 2017) [currently Professor employed at University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina]
- A. Stanic, ‘Novel arc-length method for solid and structural problems that take into account material failure, (thesis defended on December 7, 2017)[currently Professor at Univ. Twente, Netherlands]
- A. Elhoucine, ‘Controlled Collapse and Demolition of Massive Structure in an Urban Area’, (thesis defended on April 30, 2018)[currently lecturer at Univ. Bechar, Algeria]
- A. Boujelben, ‘Giant Offshore Wind-Turbine: Dynamic analysis of large motion of flexible blades’, (thesis defended on November 15, 2018)[currently lecturer at University of Reims, France]
- T. Rukavina, ‘Fiber Reinforced Concrete Modeling with Parameter Identification’, (thesis defended on December 17, 2018)[currently research engineer at Orane (Areva), Paris, France]
- S. Grbcic, ‘Configuration-dependent Approximation in Non-linear Finite-element Analysis of Structures’, (thesis defended on December 18, 2018)[currently research engineer at Siemens, Bruxelles, Belgium]
- E. Karavelic, ‘Stochastic Galerkin Finite Element Method in Application to Identification Problems for Failure Models Parameters in Heterogeneous Material’, (thesis defended on September 17, 2019) [currently lecturer employed at University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina]
- E. Hadzalic, ‘Analysis of pore-pressure influence on failure mechanism structural systems’, (thesis defended on September 17, 2019) [currently lecturer employed at University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina]
- P. Moreno Navarro, ‘‘Multiphysics Formulation and Multiscale Finite Element Discretizations of Thermo-Electro-Magneto-Mechanic Coupling for Smart Materials Design’, (thesis defended on December 13, 2019), [currently lecturer employed at University Polytecnique Valencia, Spain]
- E. Hajdo, ‘Geometric and material nstability with thermomechanical coupling’, (thesis defended on December 23, 2019) [currently lecturer employed at University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina]
- A.R. Mejia, ‘Vibration Control for Smart Systems and Structures’, (thesis defended on December 11, 2020) [currently lecturer employed at CNAM, Paris, France]
- I. Rukavina, ‘Cyber-Physical Intrinsic Modelling for Smart Systems’, (thesis defended on January 29, 2021)[currently research engineer at EXPLEO, Paris, France]
- C.U. Nguyen, ‘Hybrid Stress Visco-plasticity: Formulation, Discrete Approximation, and Stochastic Identification’, (thesis defended on February 15, 2022)[currently research engineer at AUTO-FORM, Germany]
- S. Dobrilla, ‘A Study on Identifiability of Fracture Properties of Concrete Given Experimental Data’, (thesis defended on July 14, 2022) [currently post-doc, TU-Braunschweig, Germany]
- S. Suljevic, ‘New approach to composite material modeling under extreme mechanical and thermal loading’, (thesis defended on June 27, 2023) [currently lecturer employed at University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina]
- G. Grozdanic, ‘Numerical modelling of crack initiation and propagation in reinforced glass structures under static and dynamic loads’, (thesis defended on July 12, 2024) [currently lecturer employed at University of Split, Croatia]
Former post-doctoral researchers:
- I. Kozar, post-doc on ‘Structures undergoing large rotations’ (post-doc at EPFL, from January 1 to June 30, 1994, funded by Swiss scholarship for young professors) [currently Professor and Dean of Civil Engineering employed by Civil Engineering Department, University of Rijeka, Croatia]
- I. Gresovnik, post-doc on ‘Optimization problems in nonlinear mechanics’ (post-doc at ENS-Cachan, from April 1, 2003 to March 31, 2004 with Maire Curie scholarship CE – CONTRAT N° HPMF-CT-2002-02130) [currently research engineer employed by C3M, Ljubljana, Slovenia]
- D. Markovic, post-doc on ’Multiscale models in dynamics and model reduction’, (post-doc at ENS-Cachan, from July 1, 2004 to October 31, 2005 funded by NATO in collaboration with UC Boulder, USA) [currently research engineer at SEPTEN, EDF, Lyon, France]
- B.H. Pham, post-doc on ‘Reinforced-concrete finite element model capable of prediciting crack-spacing and thermomechanical coupling’, (post-doc at ENS-Cachan, from May 1 to December 1, 2010, funded by ANR, France) [currently professor at Hanoi Architecture University and Secretary of Minister of Construction, Vietnam]
- J. Dujc, post-doc on ‘Modeling and computations of benchmark Sandia’, (post-doc at ENS-Cachan, from June 15 to December 15, 2010, funded by IRSN, France) [currently Research Engineer at Zurich University of Applied Science, Winterthur, Slovenia]
- E. Marenic, post-doc on ‘Cyber-physical modelling for smart system-of-systems’, (pos-doc at UTC/ Labex MS2T, from October 1 2015 to September 30, 2016) [currently Lecturer at INSA Toulouse, France]
- M. Nikolic, ‘OLLA Overhead Lines Lifetime Assessment’, post-doc funded by Eurobios/ RTE [currently Professor at University of Split, Croatia]
- I. Imamovic, ‘Heterogeneous Multiscale Method’, post-doc funded by PER SU [currently Professor employed at University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina]
- C. Granja, ‘Modelling the Rupture of Microcapsule in Flow’, post-doc funded by Labex MS2T [currently research engineer employed at University of Zaragoza, Spain]
- X.N. Do, ‘Giant Offshore Wind-Turbine’, [currently post-doc at Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France]
- B. Ayhan, ‘Plasticity-damage models for structures’, [currently professor at Technical Université Istanbul, Turkey]
- A.R. Mejia, ‘Vibration Control for Smart Systems and Structures’, [currently lecturer employed at CNAM, Paris, France]
Former habilitation students:
- L. Davenne, habilitation in mechanics, mechanical and civil engineering on ‘Structures uner extreme conditions’, Habilitation defended on December 3, 2007, [currently Assistant Professor, University Paris X]
- J.B. Colliat, habilitation in mechanics, mechanical and civil engineering on ‘Numerical modeling of heterogeneous cement-based materials’, Habilitation defended on October 25, 2010, [currently Professor, University of Lille 1]
- D. Brancherie, habilitation in mechanics, mechanical and civil engineering on ‘Numerical modeling of ultimate load behavior of structures’, Habilitation defended on November 22, 2016, [currently Professor, UTC Compiègne-Sorbonne Universites, France]
Former invited professors:
- P.M. Pimenta, Capes Chair for Sorbonne Universites, 2016, [currently Professor, USP University of Sao Paulo & Sao Paulo State Academy president, Brazil]
- H.G. Matthies, Guy Lusac – Humboldt Research Award for France, 2017, [currently Professor, TU Bruanschweig & Niedersachsen Academy member, Germany]
- J.L. Perez-Aparicio, Invited professor UTC, 2018, 2021, [currently Professor, UPV University Polytecnique Valencia, Spain]
- B. Ayhan, Invited professor UTC, 2020 [currently Professor, ITU Istanbul Technical University, Turkey]
Former MSc students
48 Master students UT Compiègne/ Universités Sorbonne, ENS-Cachan, Univ. Sarajevo, EPFL