Ibrahimbegovic Adnan

Prof. Adnan Ibrahimbegovic - personal webpage

Publications Overview & Awards

i10-index [#-papers each cited 10-times, at least]
Google-Scholar i10 = 172

h-index [#-papers each cited #-times, at least] / total #citations

Google-Scholar h-index = 56 / 10343

Scopus h-index = 45 / 6508
Scopus_Author ID: 7005029864

Web of Science h-index = 44 / 6201
ResearcherID: F-3241-2018

Total Number Last 10 Years Last 5 Years
Peer Reviewed Journal Papers*,** 234 95 50
Conference Papers 402 150 73
Books*** / Monographs**** 10 4 3
Chapters in Books 32 13 3
Editor Journal Spec. Issues / Proceedings 31 14 6
    *Best paper Award (Ibrahimbegovic, Gresovnik, Markovic, Melnyk, Rodic, 2005, Eng. Comp.)

    **Literati Network Award for Excellence (Niekamp, Markovic, Ibrahimbegovic, Matthies, Taylor, 2009, Eng. Comp.)

    ***Author of Graduate Textbooks (4):  Ibrahimbegovic A.,‘Nonlinear Solid Mechanics: Theoretical Formulations and Finite Element Solution Methods’ [cca. 600 pages]; [translated in 3 languages]:

    1) French edition: Hermes Science-Lavoisier, Paris, (2006); [nominated for Roberval Award for best university textbook in France]
    2) English edition: Springer, Berlin, (2009); [top 25% Springer sales in engineering series since publication]
    3) Ex-Yugoslav edition: University Press, Sarajevo, (2010);

    4) Ibrahimbegovic A., N. Ademovic, ‘Nonlinear Dynamics of Structures Under Extreme Transient Loads’, CRC Press, pp. 1-300, (2019)

    ****Editor of Research Monographs (5):

    1) Brancherie D., P. Feissel, S. Bouvier, A. Ibrahimbegovic (eds.), ‘From Microstructure Investigaions to Multiscale Modeling’, ISTE Wiley, pp. 1-273, (2018)
    2) Ibrahimbegovic A. (ed.), ‘Computational Methods for Solids and Fluids: Multiscale Analysis, Probability Aspects and Model Reduction’, Springer, pp. 1-493, (2016);
    3) Ibrahimbegovic A., M. Zlatar (eds.), ‘Damage assessment and reconstruction after war or natural disaster’, Springer, pp. 1-405, (2009);
    4) Ibrahimbegovic A., I. Kozar (eds.), ‘Extreme man-made and natural hazards in dynamics of structures’, Springer, pp. 1-397, (2007);
    5) Ibrahimbegovic A., B. Brank (eds.), ‘Multi-physics and multi-scale computer models in nonlinear analysis and optimal design of engineering structures under extreme conditions’, IOS Press, pp. 1-407, (2005)