Major Scientific Contributions
My research activities were initially developed in the domain of Computational Structural Mechanics, and later expanded to many other domains of solid and structureal mechanics, either theoretical, applied or numerical modeling aspects. At present, there are strong efforts towards interdisciplinary studies, within the framework of my senior appointment at
IUF – Institut Universitaire de France:
- 2015-20 & 2020-25: Senior Fellow at ‘Institut Universitaire de France ‘ dealing with interdisciplinary works on multi scale modeling of ductile and brittle failure in statics and dynamics; multi physics coupling, especially electromagnetics-thermodynamics; passive control of large overall motion in structural and multi body dynamics; coupled nonlinear mechanics-probability problems for size effect in localized failure;
- Coupling of Nonlinear Mechanics and Stochastic – Gay Lusac Humboldt Awards (2006 Germany, 2016 France):
- Chair for Computational Mechanics UTC dealing with current applications of interest for innovation – 2014 Roberval Workshop:
- Head of Computational Mechanics Section LMT-Cachan, dealing with applications of interest for nuclear industry – Nomination for Roberval Award Best Graduate Book:
- Fluid-structure interaction efficient computational tools based upon coupling of existing software; developments carried out with software FEAP and OpenFOAM
- Computational models for stochastic plasticity with the material parameters described as random fields, which can take into account the material heterogeneities; especially for the case of localized failure with softening
- Original multiscale method for brittle/ductile failure models that can combine hardening with FPZ-fracture-process-zone and softening with macro-crack development, and still ensure the mesh-invariance of the computed results
- Finite rotation optimal parameters in terms of incremental rotation vector and energy-conserving/dissipating integration schemes used for geometrically exact rods, shells, flexible multibody systems – these models and methods are presently available in computer code FEAP (R.L. Taylor/ UC Berkeley) widely used by research teams in USA and Europe
- Unified models solids-structures: first fully satisfying membrane finite element with drilling rotations, compatible with structural finite elements, based on combined regularized variational formulation and non-conventional interpolations –at present adopted by many commercial computer software products (e.g. SAP CSI Berkeley, FEAP UC Berkeley, ANSYS);